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New and Improved!

Okay, so all I did was change the theme.  It's still amazing what you can do with FrontPage and no knowledge!    Let us know if you like it. 

What's New?


Here's the new stuff we have for you:


bulletThe Cat's Meow film review posted 10/26/02 by Qubert 

bullet Qubert's Third Message posted 10/25/02 



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Movie Quote of the Week  

Dad:  "So, Lloyd, what are your plans for the future?"

Lloyd:  "Right now, I just want to spend as much time as possible with your daughter, Sir."

Dad:  "Be serious, Lloyd."

Lloyd:  "I am being completely serious."

--  Say Anything

In case you've never visited: is the location for your two friends Driscoll and Qubert to share our considered and poignant opinions on anything and everything we feel worth reviewing. Why not get to know your hosts now?

What you see is the very beginning of a web presence with which to be reckoned. Come back often, as we will be making frequent additions and lots of changes in our quest to rule the review world!

If you would like to suggest review topics or other comments, or if you're interested in providing a guest column, write us at



Disclaimer:  All images and text on this site are created by the owners or are used solely for entertainment purposes.  Efforts have been made to attribute quoted text to its original source.  Should the use of images or text on this site inadvertently violate any copyright rules, please contact the owners at, and we will remove the offending material.


This site was last updated 01/18/03