12/20/01 by Qubert
After we saw Not Another Teen Movie, my brother told me that the luscious Amanda Becker, who so perfectly resembled Jennifer Love Hewitt, was really that little girl from Party-of-Five with the odd voice. I didn't believe it, so I looked her up on my trusty, all-knowing Google.com. As with all gorgeous famous people, she had a dozen-million websites devoted mostly to her photos. I thought that since my first film review contains one of this lovely young actress's films, I would share a visit to one of those fansites.
Before I talk about the site, let me mention that she is nearly 20, so it will be okay for any of you visitors to enjoy her photos, all of which are wholesome and yet sexy. (except for the gallery from Stuff magazine, but who got caught off guard by that one?)
Now, to the site. It opens with a graphics-intensive but neatly designed home page. A navigational menu runs down the left side, a large picture of Lacey runs down the right side (one of the sultry Stuff shots), and updates are listed in the center. The bottom of this page becomes a bit busy, perhaps, with links to FanHost email, a survey, and some other items. At the bottom is a counter, listing almost 200,000 visitors since the site opened in January 2001. 200k in a year??!! It seems unreal, but why would they exaggerate? There are plenty of hormonal young men searching the web for actress photos. . .
Content wins high marks. All the standard fansite fare greets us, such as an FAQ (I do not know Lacey's address, and wouldn't give it if I did), a bio, some articles, wallpapers, and of course photos. Many, many photos to view for a long, long time. The site includes links to a chat room and message board dedicated to Lacey, and everything remains easily accessible due to a navigation list along the bottom of each page. The four webmasters briefly introduce themselves on a separate page, and visitors can email each of them independently.
Lacey-chabert.net is a nice site. I would like a few things better if they changed, though. I mentioned the busy home page. The banner ads don't offend, but I hate the pop-ups! Will anyone ever buy something from a pop-up ad? And while this comment is no reflection on the site creators, as they in fact state the opposite in several ways, I wish the guest book would be signed by people who didn't think Lacey was reading this site personally each day. Pet Peeve of mine, I guess. Not fair to mention here, perhaps, but hey, whose ReviewAnything.com is it, anyway?
I hope the designers keep up the great work. I can't wait until I'm good enough to be called a nice site, after all. . .